Final 2024 calculation figures
Every year, we determine the calculation figures for the pension scheme for the next year. We use these figures to determine how much the employer and the employee contribute to their pension (contribution), and how much pension is accrued with this every year. The final calculation figures for 2024 are now known.
The total contribution in terms of percentage will remain the same in 2024. But you will accrue more pension with that contribution: 1.875 percent of the gross salary that counts towards your pension. In 2023 this was 1.815 percent. Many of the other figures are derived from laws and regulations. This includes the amount over which no pension is accrued (the offset) and the maximum pensionable wages.
Go to all final calculation figures for 2024 and calculation examples. These include the figures for the Work and Income (Capacity for Work) Act top-up scheme and the insurance for temporary additional pension (Anw gap insurance).