Legal information, policy and documents
On this page you can find legal information, policies and documents related to your pension fund.
- PME Pension Scheme Rules.pdf
- Supplementary Scheme Rules Pensioen accrual above the Salary Limit (low).pdf
- Supplementary Scheme Rules Pension accrual above the Salary Limit (high).pdf
- Pensioenreglement WIA-excedentregeling.pdf (in Dutch)
- Beleidsregels.pdf (in Dutch)
- Uitvoeringsreglement.pdf (in Dutch)
- Verplichtstelling.pdf (in Dutch)
- Statuten.pdf (in Dutch)
- Complaints Regulations.pdf
- Information on revising a pension.pdf
- Apply for pension accrual continuation.pdf
- Apply for additional partner pension (ANW-hiaatverzekering).pdf
- Apply for pension value transfer.pdf
- Change additional partner pension (ANW-hiaatverzekering).pdf
- Change Dutch IBAN (bank account).pdf
- Change foreign IBAN (bank account).pdf
- Change payroll tax reduction.pdf
- Change postal address.pdf
- Proof of life.pdf (in Dutch)
- Stop additional partner pension (ANW-hiaatverzekering).pdf
- Annual reports (pdf's)
- Online annual reports (in Dutch)
- Sustainable and Responsible Investment Policy.pdf (in Dutch)
- Beloningsbeleid.pdf (in Dutch)
- Climate plan.pdf
- Strategisch beleggingskader.pdf (in Dutch)
- Beleggingsbeginselen.pdf (in Dutch)
- Stembeleid.pdf (in Dutch)
- Engagementlijst 2023.pdf (in Dutch)
- Principal Adverse Impact Statement.pdf
- SFDR - integratie duurzaamheidsrisico's.pdf (in Dutch)
- SFDR - duurzaamheidskenmerken website.pdf (in Dutch)
- SFDR - duurzaamheidskenmerken beleggingen.pdf (in Dutch)
- Verklaring inzake de belangrijkste ongunstige effecten van beleggingsbeslissingen op duurzaamheidsfactoren.pdf (in Dutch)
- Brief jaarafrekening IAS-19.pdf (in Dutch)
- Gedragscode.pdf (in Dutch)
- Informatie over herstelplan en het financieel crisisplan (in Dutch)
- Kostenoverzicht (in Dutch)
- Pension comparison tool (pdf)
Magazines and newsletters (in Dutch)