PME is a non-profit foundation. We work for a sector that operates in a competitive international market, always focused on cost effectiveness. So are we. PME has a board and an accountability body. Together they protect the pension interests of almost 350,000 employers and employees in the metal and technology sector.
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Employers' association FME and trade unions FNV Metaal, CNV Vakmensen, de Unie and VHP2 make joint pension agreements within our sector. We also call these parties ‘social partners’. Our social partners together form the Metalektro Consultation Board (Raad van Overleg Metalektro, ROM). We implement the agreements made by the social partners. Before we do that, we check whether the agreements are feasible and balanced.
We outsource pension administration and asset management to TKP and MN Vermogensbeheer. TKP takes care of the administration, communication and benefits. MN manages and invests the assets. The ROM also assesses whether an employer needs to join PME. This assessment is referred to as a ‘scope of application investigation’. We are in charge of these outsourcing activities. Our outsourcing partners report to us on the activities and results, thus accounting to the PME pension board.
PME is one of the oldest pension funds in the Netherlands. Below are the key milestones we’ve achieved in recent years.
PME was founded on 3 August 1947. It was one of the first funds with a female board member (1971). In 2003, retirement pension and early retirement were merged into a single scheme. Pensions are no longer based on an individual’s last earned salary but on their average salary throughout their career. Since 2019, PME has made substantial investments within its own sector in order to support companies and startups that develop high-quality, sustainable technology. In 2022, PME switched to TKP for its pension administration. MN continues to provide asset management services for PME. Over the coming years, PME will be preparing for the new pension system (2023-2027).
PME's ethical standards (in Dutch) apply to everyone associated with our fund.
View PME’s organogram (in Dutch).
View PME’s articles of association (in Dutch).