Accountability body advises the board
The Accountability Council plays an important role at PME. Its members represent pension members and pension beneficiaries. They advise the pension board in advance on certain policy decisions. These include large collective value transfers, communication policy and remuneration regulations. They also give an annual retrospective opinion on the policy implemented. The pension board and internal supervisory body are therefore accountable to the Accountability Council. Our Accountability Council comprises sixteen members: eight acting on behalf of members and eight on behalf of pension beneficiaries. The Accountability Council has an independent chairperson.
Meet the members of the accountability body
Independant chairman
Aart van den Brink
On behalf of pensioners
Jos Broeren
(FNV Metaal)
Carl Holzmann
Hans Ooms
Henk Silvius
Ko van den Berg
Jan van der Kooi
(CNV Vakmensen)
Peter van der Zalm
(FNV Metaal)
Theo van Eis
(De Unie)
On behalf of employees
Eric Cols
(FNV Metaal)
Erwin Lubbers
(CNV Vakmensen)
Harco Meijer
(VHP 2)
Dick Tijssen
(FNV Metaal)
Jos van Zuydam
(De Unie)
Jaap Verdonk
(CNV Vakmensen)
Arjen Kronenberg
(FNV Metaal)
Bert Aal
(FNV Metaal)
Douwe Wielsma
(VGPME Stagiair)
The executive pension board is accountable to the Accountability Council and produces an accountability report. At each meeting with the Accountability Council, the pension board explains current issues. All issues on which the Accountability Council advises are discussed during these meetings. The non-executive pension board shares and discusses the annual internal supervision report and findings with the Accountability Council. The non-executive pension board and the Accountability Council consult at least once per quarter. Each year, the Accountability Council assesses the policy implemented by the pension board and expresses its opinion on the findings of the internal supervisory body. That opinion is included in the fund's annual report.
Accountability Council members receive remuneration for their work. This is set out in our remuneration regulations. Remuneration comprises a fixed annual allowance and a travel allowance.