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Survey: Here’s what you think of PME

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It is important to us that everyone who has a pension with PME is satisfied with our services. The same applies to the employers who are affiliated with us. That’s why we conduct regular surveys, like we did last spring. That way, we know what people think of our services, and how PME is viewed. Armed with the results, we can continue to work on improvements. 

The main results at a glance

Some 1,600 people took part in the online survey. These included employers and administrative offices. It’s great that so many people took the time to do this. The main results can be found below. 

Two thirds of employers are willing to inform their own employees about the new rules. However, this is subject to the condition that they receive help from PME. Employers have a preference for digital means of communication that they can use in their own channels, and for presentations by consultants. 

What will we do with the results?

We will, of course, maintain the good points. But we can also see areas where we want to improve. And that’s what we’re going to do. At the moment, we are busy compiling information about the new pension rules. Once the social partners have agreed on the details of the new pension scheme, we will roll out our communication. In recent times, we have provided people who are several years prior to retirement with a wealth of information about their choices, e.g. with a webinar on pension choices