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New pension scheme: next step taken

New pension rules
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The Netherlands has introduced new pension rules. The country’s pension funds have been given until 1 January 2028 to move to the new scheme. And PME, too, is making the switch. This means that you will be getting a new pension scheme. Employer and employee organisations, or social partners, have agreed on what that scheme will look like in the future. Members of these organisations have been invited to vote on the outcome.

Arrangements made included in a transition plan

In March this year, the social partners set the outline of the new pension scheme. In recent months, they also agreed on all other points. Those arrangements have been included in what they term a ‘transition plan’. The plan describes in detail the choices made by the social partners and how current pensions will be realigned with the new scheme.

PME’s Pensioners’ Association (VGPME) has had its say

Obviously, people receiving pensions have a vested interest in said arrangements. The same applies to people who used to save for retirement with PME. This is why their right to have a say has now been laid down in law. Under this right, stakeholders are allowed to share their views with social partners through an association. The VGPME, an interest group for people who receive pensions from PME, has exercised said right.

Members set to vote

The social partners will now submit the Transition Plan to their members for approval. Members are people from the industry, just like you. They are employees from all kinds of different companies. Members also include retired persons. Are you a member and would like to cast your vote? If so, please visit your union’s website. Some unions organise meetings or online information sessions that you can sign up for.

Here’s what you can expect

If members agreed to the arrangements, the final transition plan will be handed over to PME. We will publish the plan on our website within a fortnight of receiving it, along with an easy-to-understand explanation.

Want to know more at this early stage? You can find the version being voted on on the website of the Metalworking Industry Consultative Council (ROM). This is the consultative body of social partners in our industry.