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Committed investor

As an investor we have influence because we are co-owner of the companies and projects in which we invest. We are keen to use that influence. We do this in three ways.


Every year, we talk to a part of companies in which we invest. The purpose of these talks? To encourage companies to become more sustainable. Not just because we value a liveable world for you and your children and grandchildren. But also because we believe that companies that are ready for a sustainable future have the best economic prospects.

In these talks, we pay extra attention to climate, human rights and workers' rights. But we also discuss subjects such as living wages and biodiversity. Where possible, we join forces with other major investors. Because we are stronger together.

The conversations we have are not without obligation. We require concrete improvements and a transparent schedule. Curious to know with which companies we are in dialogue and what the results are? View our overview of talks (pdf).


As shareholder in companies, we have the right to vote in shareholders' meetings. And of course we use that right. That way, we support proposals for greening. And we are critical of overly high remuneration for executives. Here, too, we work together with other investors wherever possible. See for yourself how we use our voting rights.


We prefer having a positive impact. But if talking and voting are not enough, we vote with our feet. That means we sell our investments and leave.

There also are companies that make products in which we don't want to invest. Such as fossil energy. But we also do not invest in certain types of weapons, tobacco, fur and the sex industry. And we do not invest in countries subject to sanctions, such as an arms embargo. Would you like to know more? Find out what we do not invest in.