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Stronger together

We are working on a good pension in a sustainable world. But we cannot do that alone. That's why we work together wherever we can. With other pension funds and investors, with government authorities and with international organisations. These are our main partners.


As shareholder, we vote in shareholders' meetings. That way, we use our influence as co-owner of companies. We cannot personally vote in every shareholders' meeting. There are too many meetings to do so. That is why we have engaged Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS), a voting consultancy. See how we vote. Go to our voting policy to read which principles we follow for this.

Talking to each other

We are in discussions with companies in which we invest. What is the purpose of these discussions? To encourage companies to work better and more sustainably. Sometimes it makes sense to collaborate with other investors and service providers in such discussions. This allows us to divide the work and become stronger. For example, we work internationally with EOS (part of Federated Hermes) and with Climate Action 100+. In the Netherlands, we work with Eumedion.

A living wage for employees is one of the spearheads of our investment policy. This means that people have enough money for food and a roof over their head. And that they can send their children to school instead of to a factory. Within the Living Wage Financials Platform, various investors have joined forces to encourage companies in the textile, agricultural and retail sectors to pay their employees a living wage.


It is possible that PME suffers a loss on its investments because companies do not comply with laws, mislead shareholders or commit fraud. Sometimes legal proceedings may be useful to get compensation for the damage or loss. Such proceedings are often started together with other investors. That way, we can share costs and knowledge.

Agreements and standards

PME complies with a number of national and international agreements and standards. We are often actively involved in their development as well. These are the main ones: