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Press releases

Survey: Here’s what you think of PME

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It is important to us that everyone who has a pension with PME is satisfied with our services. That’s why we conduct regular surveys, like we did last spring. This yielded excellent results and insights.

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2023: PME looks beyond today

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The 2023 annual report is all about the future for PME. PME invests in today and the decades to come. From those just starting out today, to our oldest pensioner of 106 years’ old. Our investment policy takes into account future returns and what that future looks like.

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Capital growth PME continues

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In the first quarter of 2024, PME’s capital increased by €1.5 billion and grows to €56.1 billion. The funding ratio rises from 109.4% to 111.7%. This is the result of a combination of a stable interest rate and a positive return.

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Main principles established for new pension system

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The Netherlands has new rules for pensions. We expect PME to switch to these new rules on 1 January 2026. Employer and employee organisations in our sector (also called social partners) determine how this will happen.

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Investing in defence

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PME invests its participants' pension money, because a good pension requires a good return. We also invest in the defence industry. But this is subject to conditions: we do not invest in dubious weapons.

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