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Pension consultant Diana Verschuren

How much do you need every month after taxes to have a good life?

Your pension ‘costs’ a portion of your salary and also plays an important role in your (financial) future. So why not find out more about it in a pension conversation? And this meeting is free of charge. You can schedule an appointment for a personal meeting on site. Do you have other colleagues who also want to schedule a meeting? We could also come to your company for a meeting.

The most frequently asked question...

"When can I retire?"

My answer: That depends on how much you need each month after taxes to have a pleasant life. Together with your partner. But also take into account what happens if one of you should pass away.

Contact Diana

Diana is active in the following postal code areas: 4800-4835, 5000-5140, 5260-5299, 5600-5699. Do you have a question or do you want to schedule an appointment with Diana? You can phone or email her:

06 10 88 68 37
Email Diana