We are transparent
We like to show what we do and why. Do you want to know all the ins and outs? Then you can find detailed information on our investment policy here. But be warned: these documents are full of official formulations and technical information. So it may be a bit dry and dull.
Investing starts with our principles. How do we see the economy, society and the financial markets? How do we want to make money for your pension in the world around us? You can read more about this in our investment principles (pdf) (in Dutch).
What do we want to achieve with our investments? How high must the return be for a good pension? How much risk are we prepared to take? And how do we organise our investments? You can read more about this in our strategic investment framework (pdf) (in Dutch).
We are committed to providing you with a viable pension based on investments that are becoming increasingly sustainable and socially responsible. How do we do this and what choices do we make in this regard? To find out, please see our Sustainable and Responsible Investment Policy (in Dutch).
We invest your pension in a variety of companies. That means we are allowed to vote at shareholders' meetings for resolutions we support. We can also vote against resolutions we disagree with. See how we vote. Go to our voting policy to read which principles we follow for this.
PME's directors and employees are remunerated in accordance with the legal requirements and the Code of Dutch Pension Funds. Want to find out about the principles behind our remuneration decisions, who makes those decisions and how we account for those decisions? Take a look at our Remuneration Policy (pdf, in Dutch).
Investing costs money. But it yields even more money. Money for your pension. See what costs we incur and what we get in return. Do you want to see all the details? Read our annual report.
We talk to the companies we invest in. Which companies are they? What are those talks are about? And what do we want to achieve? Find out here: engagement list 2023 (pdf, in Dutch).
PME supports the Paris climate agreement. Interested in our targets and how we’re going to meet them? You can read all about it in our climate plan.
For those who want to know all the ins and outs, we recommend reading our annual report. This presents all facts and figures for the past year. What went well, what were the challenges, what can we do better?
The SFDR (Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation) requires pension funds to be transparent about the integration of sustainability risks in their investment procedures. They must also be transparent if their pension scheme promotes environmental or social characteristics or has sustainable investment objectives. The SFDR also requires pension funds to be transparent when considering any negative impact on sustainability in their investment decisions. Read how we comply with these SFDR rules: